
We provide programs that might help you to implement your own General Game Playing system. All programs contain source code and are distributed under GPL.


GameController is a standalone game master clone written entirely in Java and developed as part of the GGPServer project. It is particularly useful for testing your own general game playing system. GameController comes with a simple GUI and a command line interface. Send bug reports and suggestions to Stephan Schiffel.

Download the most recent version from the sourceforge project page.

System requirements:

  • Java 1.6 runtime environment


java -jar gamecontroller-XYZ.jar

Game Checker

Game Checker is a program for checking game descriptions (GDL and GDL-II) for syntactic validity (safety, stratification, etc.) and well-formedness (playablility, winnability, ...).

Download current version

System requirements:

Basic Prolog Player

A basic player implemented in ECLiPSe Prolog based on code from FLUXPLAYER.

Download current version (1.1)

System requirements:

Changes since version 1.0:

  • the port should be free now after stopping the player

Basic Java Player

A basic player implemented in Java which comes with a framework for implementing your strategies, analyzing the game, etc. It can be found on the Palamedes-IDE website.

Basic C++ Player

A basic player implemented in C++ with the reasoner of the prolog player above.

Download current version (1.6)

System requirements:

  • Linux/Unix (or any system which provides sockets)
  • ECLiPSe Prolog version 5.10 or higher

Changes since version 1.5

  • added functions to PrologConnector for parsing string representations of gdl terms and states

C++ GDL Parser and Reasoner

The parser and reasoner part of the player "Informafiosi" developed by Norbert Schultz, Norbert Manthey and David Müller for the 2008 GGP course at TU-Dresden. It is completely written in C++ and has only few dependencies.

Download current version

System requirements: